Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas - Anniversary - New Year!

 Jo Kampschmidt, Roger & Debbie Bowe, + Ivy JoAnne

The Holidays are great with family.  A key to remember is that it doesn't have to be YOUR family.  Like so many people, our days are busy but the kids are in Texas and Japan.  So, we borrowed family from our friends.  High School friends, their children, Jo Kampschmidt's family, Kathleen Wilham, and  several others helped Marilyn and I celebrate Christmas, New Years, and best of all - our Anniversary!  The weather was cold with a threat of snow, but we had the house warm and lighted from basement to belvedere.  One friend visiting for the first time had wondered about finding the house on such a dark night.  They said that as they traveled west on collage street they had no doubt when they sited the Benjamin House.  In fact, they said,"Oh my gosh"!  Another friend from high school said that he saw the house when he was passing Hunnewell (laughing).  The new visitors had a lot of questions and Kathleen bailed me out on the tough questions.
The biggest family was Jo's with son Don and wife, Leigh;  daughter Debbie with her husband Roger and their daughter and grand daughter.  They arrived from as far away as San Jon, New Mexico.  Having lived in New Mexico, I really enjoyed talking with them about the food, customs, and weather.

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